ArtSouthWA could not operate without its dedicated team of Volunteers. Now is the time for you to consider how you can contribute to the Arts Scene in the Southern region of WA.
The Southern Art and Craft Trail requires a lot of hours to organise, manage and run the event. The majority of hours are done by valuable Volunteers. To spread the load we always have many ‘sub-committee’ members to assist with one or two tasks. Here are just some of the areas YOU could help us with.
Keeping an eye on when events and activities need to be notified to members or arranged i.e. notifying members of AGM
Creation of ‘Mini Trails’
Examining and recommending Art Trail day trip routes that contain art, food and wine
Gathering content, building the Mailchimp newsletter and sending out. The Mailchimp form already exists.
Keeping an eye out for interesting stories, member’s event etc. to post to our Facebook page
3 run per year – helping to run aspects before/on the day. Gets you free entry to the workshop!
Assisting with finding and contacting current and possible sponsors. All sponsor documents are already done.
Assisting with finding and contacting current and possible advertisers for the Art Trail booklet. All documents etc. are already done.
2 online surveys are used in the Art Trail. Collating the data and summarising findings
Membership data base
Updating the data base as required.
Updating the WordPress website as required.
Annual Auditing
Auditor who is prepared to volunteer their time to ‘sign off’ on the prepared ASWA books required. This could be in exchange for a Sponsorship agreement to promote their business.
In 2024 we have both an experienced Board and a professional Art Trail Administrator. This means that if you would like to be one of our Volunteers then you will be very well supported by a professional team. We need your bright ideas and busy hands now!
Please Contact Us if you would like more information on how you can be part of the very successful ArtSouthWA organisation.