Sponsorship of ArtSouthWA and the Southern Art and Craft Trail will give you a full 12 months of exposure – July 2024 to June 2025. While your exposure is maximised in the lead up and during the Art Trail, you remain on our website and in social media posts from 1st July to 30 June. You also receive regular exposure on our Facebook and Instagram pages throughout the whole year.
Every year the Southern Art and Craft Trail attracts a wide range of Sponsorship. From WA Local and State Government to local businesses, all our Sponsors and Donors know that they receive great benefit from their association with the Art Trail. This relationship shows their customers and constituents that they are community focused, and are proud to be associated with the event.
The Art Trail has an excellent reputation for running a professional and popular event over a sustained period of 16 days. This means that Sponsors and Donors can be confident that they are widely promoted, and their reputation is enhanced.
If you are interested in becoming a Sponsor or Donor in 2025 you can download the 2024 ArtSouthWA Sponsorship Proposal
This will give you an outline of the Sponsor packages and benefits. We look forward to discussing your needs and welcoming you as a partner of this wonderful event.
Please Contact Us to discuss the opportunities for you to sponsor our exciting 22nd anniversary 2025 Southern Art & Craft Trail.